VADODARA: M S University suspended six students on Saturday for the alleged ragging and violence that took place outside the Polytechnic College premises on Friday. Those suspended include five students of its Polytechnic College and one from faculty of technology and engineering (FTE).
The university has formed a six-member committee to probe the ragging of a first year student even as it has prohibited entry of three former students and also barred them from taking admission in any course in future.
On Friday, a group of student leaders had forced a first-year student of civil engineering Priyansh Shah to drink water mixed with their spit. A second-year student Aakash Patel was beaten up with stumps, hockey sticks and bats.
Following Shah's complaint, the university has suspended FTE student Jayesh Balai, former general secretary of MSU Students Union, who had launched a student outfit by the name Vidyarthi Vikas Sangh (VVS) last year along with Sachin Patel, Mayur Patel, Siddharth Zala, Maulik Parmar and Ketan Dhamalia of Polytechnic College.
It has also barred the entry of general secretary of BJP's Yuva Morcha Vikas Dubey along with Harpalsinh Rana and Kuldip Mori.
"These students have been suspended with immediate effect in view of their prima facie involvement. They have been prohibited from attending classes and appearing in examinations till further orders. They have also been prohibited from staying in hostels and entering the campus," MSU's officer on special duty (registrar) Dr Amit Dholakia said.
The six-member committee formed to probe the matter has syndicate member professor Hemant Mathur as convener. The members are Polytechnic College's principal D N Panchal, syndicate members Gopal Bhatti and Ashwin Chokshi, senate member Hemal Mehta and deputy chief warden of boys hostel Vijay Parmar.
"We will also carry out stringent checking of hostels to weed out illegal occupants besides checking identity cards throughout the campus. The police will be requested to deploy personnel at Polytechnic campus for extra security," Dholakia said.
On Saturday, student outfits, including the All India Democratic Students Organization (AIDSO) and the National Students Union of India (NSUI) criticized the ragging and demanded immediate action against the culprits.
The university has formed a six-member committee to probe the ragging of a first year student even as it has prohibited entry of three former students and also barred them from taking admission in any course in future.
On Friday, a group of student leaders had forced a first-year student of civil engineering Priyansh Shah to drink water mixed with their spit. A second-year student Aakash Patel was beaten up with stumps, hockey sticks and bats.
Following Shah's complaint, the university has suspended FTE student Jayesh Balai, former general secretary of MSU Students Union, who had launched a student outfit by the name Vidyarthi Vikas Sangh (VVS) last year along with Sachin Patel, Mayur Patel, Siddharth Zala, Maulik Parmar and Ketan Dhamalia of Polytechnic College.
It has also barred the entry of general secretary of BJP's Yuva Morcha Vikas Dubey along with Harpalsinh Rana and Kuldip Mori.
"These students have been suspended with immediate effect in view of their prima facie involvement. They have been prohibited from attending classes and appearing in examinations till further orders. They have also been prohibited from staying in hostels and entering the campus," MSU's officer on special duty (registrar) Dr Amit Dholakia said.
The six-member committee formed to probe the matter has syndicate member professor Hemant Mathur as convener. The members are Polytechnic College's principal D N Panchal, syndicate members Gopal Bhatti and Ashwin Chokshi, senate member Hemal Mehta and deputy chief warden of boys hostel Vijay Parmar.
"We will also carry out stringent checking of hostels to weed out illegal occupants besides checking identity cards throughout the campus. The police will be requested to deploy personnel at Polytechnic campus for extra security," Dholakia said.
On Saturday, student outfits, including the All India Democratic Students Organization (AIDSO) and the National Students Union of India (NSUI) criticized the ragging and demanded immediate action against the culprits.
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